Panchpakshi Compatibility For Owl And Peacock

Owl Man & Peacock Woman

Compatibility Analysis

The birth-chart comparison from the spectrum of Panch Pakshi method indicates that your birth-birds have lack of compatibility therefore its your responsibility to assist and cooperate with each other. Otherwise you may have frequent conflicts with each other which may disturb your married life.

Anger and impatience may dig gap between you therefore be patient and loyal to your life partner. Faith and love should be inculcated in your relation to strengthen it.

Couple's Personality Traits

As per panch pakshi astrology you will be an enthusiastic person and will welcome new innovative ideas. You love decorating things but you also tend to consider yourself the most superior amongst others and loose temper easily. Try to realize demerits in your behavior. You love salty food and leafy vegetables.

Compatibility consideration of birth-charts indicate that your birth-bird is Peacock therefore you feel hesitated in kick starting a project on your own. But still you have the tendency of proving yourself better then others and as a result egoism influence your behavior, this is one of the major demerit of your character. You are an extrovert person which makes you a friend of even stranger as people get influenced due to your behavior and personality.

Recommendations From The Panch Pakshi Shastra

Do not let ego dominate over your married life and make mutual decisions in matters related to household. Do not put allegations over each other as it may disturb your married life. Your marriage should not suffer due to lack of love. worship Lord Vishnu with devotion as it will bring favorable results for your married life.
