Numerology love compatibility for 7 and 5

marriage numerology

The ruling planet for number 5 is Mercury while the ruling planet for Number 7 is Neptune. People of number 5 are unconventional, social, freedom loving, changeable and restless. On the other hand, people of number 7 are spiritual, reserved, dignified, peace loving and calm. All the qualities might be opposite but both love to travel. It is necessary to maintain coordination, balance and peace if these two numbers are in an association.

These two numbers are believed to be kind spirits. The best possible relationship will be as friends. They may be successful as business partners or in love affairs or in pursuit of creative projects. This association is more or less free of any sort of rules and procedures. People of number 7 value their own time while people of number 5 appreciate everyone’s attention. Yet these two can get together and find a never ending stream of mutual interests to discuss and explore.