Numerology love compatibility for 4 and 7

marriage numerology

The ruling planet of Number 4 is Uranus and the ruling planet of Number 7 is Neptune. Number 4 and Number 7 are the south and north nodes of the Moon. It can be said that one is the head and the other is the rest of the body. This association usually works well and is very well balanced. Both these people are also very well-coordinated. One person in this association leads and the other one follows.

Some believe that such an association may not be successful due to the lack of energy. This association may be serious and be driven by a mutual sense of security. It may lack the fire and passion, but this association would be loyal and devoted. People of number 4 are natural home developers while people of number 7 have a great need of mental growth and development. This association is secure as well as interesting for both.