Numerology love compatibility for 1 and 3

marriage numerology

The ruling planet of number 1 is Sun while that of Number 3 is Jupiter. People of number 1 are leaders, ambitious and career oriented. People of number 3 are talented, intelligent and cultured. Therefore, a combination of these numbers usually makes a very good relationship. The characteristics mentioned here help in the overall growth of your relationship.

The problems that arise with a combination of number 1 and number 3 are that people can be egoistic and self-centered. You should be responsible towards your partner as well as towards yourself. Mutual discussions are best possible solution to disagreements and arguments between you and your partner.

People of number 1 and number 3 often act as catalysts to each other’s imaginations. The best part is that such a relationship has a long term potential and is exciting and lively all the time. A
relationship with the combination of these numbers is good for business, love or social purposes.

A couple with the combination of these number enjoys life to the fullest. People of number 3 are good at acknowledging the accomplishments and stroking the ego of people of number 1 and this somehow solves the earlier mentioned problems. People of number 3 are generally the ones who provide the ideas and people of number 1 go ahead with them. Neither handles criticism well and thus you should be careful of what you say.