You have Virgo Sunsign & Virgo Moonsign

You have the combination of Virgo Sun and Moon signs. Your both signs being Virgo makes you very brainy and bright. Your academic thinking is your prime drive. You are trustworthy and dependable. You are also very understanding and considerate about people. However, you cannot be called a passionate lover. You chose your love and life partner only when he/she has similar scholarly interests.

Academically sub-standard people turn you off. You are very specific and particular in anything you choose in life, ranging from people to things of personal use. You may be very traditional and fixed in your approach.

You are not the adventurous and exploratory types. Your approach is proper and honest. You are certain, positive and sensible. You admire discipline, honesty and seriousness. You do not like people who are driven and dominated by their emotions. Your plans and idea are well planned and studied deeply. You are not very receptive and easy to fool.

You are very sociable and friendly. You want rules and regulations to be followed. You do not accept change promptly, but you need time to adjust to the shifting times. You want everything to change, if needed, in an orderly and systematic way.

You are harmonious and serene. You are conservative. You are civil and courteous. You are polite and well brought up. Even though rigid, but your attitude also has respect and admiration for what others think and feel. You are someone who likes to things properly and perfectly. You are very exact and strict. You are tough to please. You are very demanding and challenging.
