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What Do the Signs and Symbols on Your Palm Say

The almighty has created the fate of every person in this world. The native is handed his birth chart and then sent in this mortal world. Palmistry considers the straight, carved lines of fate as god’s writing. These lines and signs determine our fate. In this article we will discuss about the signs and symbols present in the palms.

If you keenly observe your palm you can see various types of shapes and structures. Some common symbols a palm contains are star, delta, triangle, square, patch and cross. Umbrella shaped symbols are also seen in some palms. According to palmistry some symbols are auspicious and some are inauspicious. Position of the sign and symbol are very important as predictions are made on this basis.

First we will discuss the star shaped symbol. Star sign is very auspicious in palmistry. Presence of star sign at the end of a line increases the power of that line. Similarly a mount which has a star in it becomes very effective and a native gets excellent results related with that mount. Star increases the positive results of mounts, for example if a star is situated in the mount of Jupiter  then the native will get respect and fame in his or her society.

Star sign in the mount of Sun means that the native will lead a wealthy life and have a good position and have influence on others but he or she may not sense the happiness of success. Similarly, star sign in the mount of Moon indicates that the native will be very popular and famous in his or her society and may even become an artist.

Star sign in the mount of Mars usually means the native will have a good fortune and will get many opportunities. He or she may achieve success in any chosen field and get chances to lead an amazing life. Star sign in the mount of Venus means the native will surely succeed in his love life.

If the mount of Saturn has the star sign, it indicates that the native will achieve success by his hard work and labour.  The achievements might come after many difficulties.

Palmistry considers the island sign inauspicious. The sign casts negative impact in its stay in any mount in a native’s palm. Island sign in the mount of Jupiter means a weak Jupiter which is not a good indication for the native. Because of this the native’s reputation and honour in the society will be affected and he may not succeed in achieving his ambition in life.

If the mount of Sun has the island sign then it indicates a weak Sun because of which the native’s artistic quality may not emerge. And one’s creative ability is affected if this sign is present in the mount of Moon.

Mars is affected if the island sign is in its mount. It lessens the native’s courage and confidence. Island sign in the mount of Mercury means the native will have an inconsistent mind. Due to this, the native gets bored before completing the task and finally leaves the task.

Island sign in the mount of Venus means the native is a lover of beauty.  And if there is an island sign in the mount of Saturn it indicates that the native has to perform a lot of labour and hard work to get success in his life.

Palmists say that a person may face some heart related disease if this sign is in the heart line. In this case he may even get a heart attack! Island sign in the head line indicates headache and mental sufferings.

Palmistry says that this sign has various meanings. Usually the cross sign mean accident, difficulty, despair and changes in a native’s life. This sign is said to be inauspicious but it also give favorable results in certain circumstances.

Cross sign in the mount of Jupiter means that the native will have an interest in secret and mysterious subjects. He will be interested in philosophy. If this sign is in the centre of a native’s palm it means that the individual will be religious and show interest in spiritual things. He may be attracted to metaphysical realm and try to unearth unanswered things.

Palmists say that a cross sign in the mount of Sun means the native has to face several difficulties and hardships in his or her life. In this situation a native’s inborn artistic qualities remain unexploited and his financial condition may not be very promising. He may crave for fame in life.

If this sign is in the mount of Mars below Mercury then the person should be very careful about his adversaries as this position of cross signifies danger from the native’s enemies. If a cross sign is seen on the mount of Mars under the mount of Jupiter then it is not a good indication as the native may have to engage in a long and dangerous conflict.

If a person has the cross sign in the mount of Saturn and the sign is touching the fate line slightly then it means he may have he may face the risk of an accident, or may have fights. These possibilities increases if the cross sign is in the centre of the mount of Saturn.

Cross sign is said to be very dangerous in the life line as it points out the possibility of mortal risk.  Cross sign in the life line creates bad relations with the relatives of the native. And this sign is also not auspicious in the mount of Venus as the person’s love life will have problems.